viernes, 18 de mayo de 2007

Ain't Expensive

I tried to sell my soul to the Devil

But she said: it’s too gorgeous to be taken by me, go and find a better purchaser

I went to the Christian God

But he was busy arguing with Allah 'n Yahweh

Valhalla, Moksha (yeah right...), Firdaw…all rejected me

Favors nowadays are hard to get

I walked away

Thru Varanasi, Compostela, Makkah and Blitar

No omitting Fuji-San

I wept like a boy being raped

But this time I didn’t enjoy it

I climbed any climbable place to get peace and some bliss

Monserrate, Olympus and Bei Heng Shan

I lifted myself there

But were some Cangaços and blisters delivered instead

Flee me…flee me

I wanted it so bad

Brhaspati wasn’t so merciful and slapped me up the motherfucker

Saint Elmo’s fire wasn’t that hot just a 2nd degree burn on my throbbing chest

All this shit of crosses, stars, pentagrams, crescent moons and all that stuff

Get me bored as hell



Cuz all the divines dudes are such pompous ones

Does any A.L.F. want to buy this soul?!?

Ain’t heavy

Just 21 years of Use and Abuse

Full of Emotions


It’s a bargain

Just one in a lifetime!

martes, 8 de mayo de 2007


Púgil fragancia en este día sofómoro nuestro

Latentes latitudes en paralelos bastardos de tu mente

Grácil danza de ósculos subyugando a esos

Esos femeniles en forma pero masculinos labios míos

Rotando en un señorío vaivén

De lengua, saliva, microbios y pasión

Cose y coce pensamientos

En ese intercambio de fluidos

Dando pie a explosiones

Tan cortas como decímetros pero anchas como L’Arc de Triomphe



¡Ahoguémonos en emoción!

Vomitemos todo eso lindo en nosotros

Pintemos un Arco Iris con luces estroboscópicas

Sólo para nosotros

Detallemos todo eso feo que hay


Luego a lo terrorista



Y vivamos

Sólo vos y yo

Y los impuestos claro está…