martes, 22 de enero de 2008

Sincronía Absurda

Un Día Nublado
Como la vería un Alma Gótica
Pero con un Helios Palpitante
Una Belleza Sónica variable
Es el Ente Bio-masoquista e incesante
Que vive en mí.

Joggin' Thoughts #2

Hyena laughter-like
Weeping inside
the manly maid kept its inner chastity
it just got rusted
and here
the boy-man demands attention
while the cyber clergy eat herself.

Joggin' Thoughts #1

In my throbbing chest
desperation bursts
backing the chanter
with my subliminal solfege
that leads a choir of sows in heat
squealing while giving to birth to childish sins of my own
lasting what a human life decays in bitterness.

domingo, 20 de enero de 2008


I guess I saw You b4
but I didn't know
until those eyes squealed on You
I wondered if the illusions have ceased
since my ignorant duties didn't lemme praise You
a glittering idea came and slapped me
and it told me
that the wicked feeling will grow
the Hope of a Lovely Future will rise
as the Phallic Presence of Yours.